Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Thank you for being...
My Lovely Friend

For you'll never truly know
What you mean to me
Of all the joy you have brought my way

The kindness my own eyes have seen
Your smile is like the sunshine
Always brightening my way
Your generous hand, always there for me
Taking mine,to share the day

Even through the storms that come

You often bring the rainbow

What a lovely friend you are

The worlds greatest... I suppose!

And if I can ever return the favor

I'll be there to make you smile, too

And if you ever need me

I'll be there to see you through

Out of all the people,
I have ever met

Through all my days upon this earth
Finding the friend, that I have found in you
The time I've spent has been its worth

I want you to know How special you are I cherish your friendship And the time on line~ You are my great companion, Your warm smiles brighten my day You always bring happiness Each and every single day~ Be happy my cherished friend Life is beautiful my dear Your friendship means a lot Please be there always for me~

What is friendship for most people?
Friendship is the only thing in life you can depend on.
They're there for you when no one else.
You tell them you're whole life basically, the good & the bad.
You can trust them to give you good advice.
No one can come above them.
For me, my best friend's the most amazing person alive.
She's gorgeous and funny.
She makes me smile, when I need it most.
She's so bubbly, & I love her with my everything.

to~my lovely friends...

Sunday, March 27, 2011


Originally Written by Sis.Rytha Nur’aini.

Edited (syntactical & lexical): by a humble servant of ALLAH S.W.T.

To the one who has a broken heart……
cry if you want to cry….
because ‘crying’ is a natural state of human beings.

But don’t feel that your life has come to an end….
Never let revenge dampens into your heart …

But mark it as a precious experience,
A time to gain your closeness to The Owner of your heart
[Allah subhana wata’ala]

HE is…
The One and the only One
who will understand you verily from the bottom of your heart.

He is…
The one who will never judge you
and tell how stupid,
silly and idiot you are…

Remember just remember,
A great Muslim……
A strong Mu’min… always cries in front of His Lord….

Every drop of tears in your prayer to Him would immensely relieve
your heart, heal your broken heart… clean your soul and liberate you life…..

Remember just remember,
Allah put you in that situation…there must be reason(s) for it.
Allah might want you to learn..to respect your life or
perhaps Allah want to test your faith, your IMAN.

Allah might want to remind you…
as calamities…for you might have owe HIM ….some particular sins
[because ’sins’are owing that we have to pay…]….

If you decide to involve in things

Remember just remember,
there must be consequences….
Consequences that have to be considered first,
before stepping into any adventures….
At least, get ready to be responsible
towards every steps of your actions…

The struggles you go through
may make you appreciate your life
a precious experience that lead you
to become a compassionate person

At the same time,
you should ask yourself about your sincerity….
Do you really base your action on sincerity…
what’s wrong with your intentions….
If you do something for the sake of Allah
why would you feel hurt and pain
if things do not comprehend with your dreams?

If someone hurt you…
Remember just remember,
that is a precious time where Allah will answer
every single of your prayers
[ Allah will answer prayers from people who are oppressed]….

It is also a precious time to gain abig reward
by forgiving and praying good things for ones who hurt you….

As far.. what you do is based on sincerity….
As far… you have tried your best whole heartly….
If things do not work… remember Allah must have other plans… better plan…. insyaAllah….

Allah Says (what means):

And that it is He who makes [one] laugh and weep” [An Najm,53: 43].

When commenting on this verse, Imaam Al-Qurtubi, may Allah have mercy upon him, said:

Allah decreed the causes for crying and laughter

I am going to train my hearts to ponder and my eyes to cry.

Alhamdulillah, biiznillah,
I would be given a chance to gain the benefits of ‘Crying out of fear of Allah’:

*It softens the heart.
*It is a quality of the righteous.
*It is a distinct character of those deserving Paradise.
*It is the way leading to the pleasure ofAllah and attaining His love.

Verily, ALLAH S.W.T. Knows BEST!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

One Piece..

My Hero!!


Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Putaran Kehidupan..

Putaran Kehidupan
Album : Cinta dan Harapan
Munsyid : Firdaus

Saat kau melangkahkan kaki
Jatuh dan bangun sendiri
Semuanya mampu kau redahi

Saat usiamu telah dewasa
Cabaran datang bertimpa
Kau kecewa derita sengsara

Hapuskanlah air matamu
Redha dan teruskanlah usahamu
Pasti kau akan mengerti
Hidup ini
Putarannya tersendiri

Hentikanlah air matamu
Biarkanlah kisah duka itu berlalu
Mendung hari takkan selalu
Sinar bahagia, oh pastikan kau ketemu

Oh pastikan kau ketemu..


A women's heart should be so lost in god,that a man needs to seek him in order to find her..<3

Nafsu mengukur kecantikan wanita atas dasar rupanya..

Akal menilai kecantikan wanita itu atas dasar kepintarannya..

Hati menobatkan kecantikan wanita itu atas dasar keteguhan imannya..

"ambillah jiwa yang suci,dan lengkapkan pula budi pekerti..kebahagiaan bukan pada rupa paras tapi pada jiwa yang murni"

Monday, March 14, 2011


7 Rules to be happy

1-Never hate$
2-D0n't w0rrY 3-Live $!Mple 4-Expect a Little 5-Give A l0t 6-Alway$ $m!le 7-H@VE a FR!end

Why we have 2 smile?

1. Smiling Makes Us Attractive

2. Smiling Changes Our Mood

3. Smiling Relieves Stress

4. Smiling Boosts Your Immune System

5. Smiling Lowers Your Blood Pressure

6. Smiling Lifts the Face and Makes You Look Younger

7. Smiling Helps You Stay Positive

Friday, March 4, 2011

Langkah tercipta

Lirik Langkah Tercipta - Unic

Semalam aku kelukaan,
kecewa kehampaan,
mencalar ketabahan,
mimpi yang sering ku harapkan,
menjadi kenyataan,
namun tak kesampaian.

Inginku hentikan langkah ini,
bagaikan tak mampu untuk ku bertahan,
semangat tenggelam,
lemah daya,
haruskah aku mengalah,
namun jiwaku berbisik,
inilah dugaan.

Dan langkahku kini terbuka,
pada hikmah dugaan,
uji keimanan (menguji keimanan),
tak dilontarkanNya ujian,
di luar kekuatan,
setiap diri insan.

Pimpinlah diriku,
tuk bangkit semula,
meneruskan langkah,
perjuangan ini,
cekalkan hati dan semangatku,
kurniakan ketabahan,
agar mimpi jadi nyata,
padaMu ku meminta.

Daku mohon agung kudratMu,
wahai Tuhan yang satu,
segalanya dariMu.

Bicara Hati

Bicara Hati

Wahai hati
usahlah kau hiasi dirimu dengan kesuraman
usahlah sebegini rupa
Sudah banyak halangan kau tempuhi
Kau begitu tabah
Tetapi mengapa kini kau mula mengalah
Mengalah dengan masa dan keadaan..
Wahai hati
Usah mudah tewas
Bentengilah dirimu dengan perisai-perisai yang kukuh

Wahai air mata
Usahlah kau menitis lagi
sudah acap kali kau mengalir laju
Usahlah kau menitis demi sesuatu yang tidak pasti
Titisan airmata itu hanya layak di hadapan Tuhan
Untuk menyesali dosa-dosa lalu

Wahai wajah
Usahlah kau hiasi dirimu dengan titisan air mata
Usahlah kau lakarkan dirimu dengan kemurungan
Hiasilah dirimu dengan warna-warna keindahan
Sinarilah dirimu dengan cahaya kebahagiaan

Wahai diri
Usahlah mengharapkan sesuatu yang tidak pasti
Usahlah kau selubungi dirimu dengan masa depan yang tiada kepastian
Sesungguhnya masa hadapanmu hanya Tuhan yang Maha Mengetahuinya
Akan ada bahagia sesudah derita
Aku pasti..

Thursday, March 3, 2011

La Tahzan..

"Allah tidak akan membebani seseorang melebihi kesanggupannya"

Kenapa perlu men
geluh?kan lebih baik kalau kita mencari jalan penyelesaian untuk selesaikan masalah yang kita hadapi..Setiap masalah ada jalan penyelesaian.
"Dan mintalah pertolongan kepada Allah dengan jalan sabar dan mengerjekan sembahyang,sesungguhnya sembahyang itu amat berat kecuali bagi orang-orang yang khusyuk." (surah al-baqarah ayat 45)

Allah sentiasa akan mendengar rintihan kita sebagai hambanya..Jadi mengadulah kepada Allah krn Allah lbh memahami diri kita lbh dr kita memahami diri kita sendiri..Bersabarlah dengan segala kesusahan dan ujian..sentiasa melihat orang dibwh kita bkn diatas kita..Ujian yang Allah berikan kepada kita tdk sehebat ujian yang diberi kepada kekasih Allah..Sebaiknya banyakkanlah memohon kepada Allah tidak
kira wktu ssh atau sng kerana dgn mengingati Allah hati akan menjadi tenang..